Coastal Flood Insurance

Protect Yourself with Coastal Flood Insurance (Source the official site of the National Flood Insurance Program and FEMA)

Coastal flood insurance is available to homeowners, renters, condo owners/renters, and commercial owners/renters. Costs vary depending on how much insurance is purchased, what it covers, and the property's flood risk.

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(781) 383-0783

coastal flood insurance in Massachusetts

Protecting Coastal Homeowners
Since 1948

Living on the coast of Massachusetts the chances of experiencing a coastal flood are very high. However, anywhere it rains, it can flood. A flood is a general and temporary condition where two or more acres of normally dry land or two or more properties are inundated by water or mudflow. Many conditions can result in a flood: hurricanes, broken levees, outdated or clogged drainage systems and rapid accumulation of rainfall.

Just a few inches of water from a flood can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. Over the past 10 years, the average flood claim has amounted to over $33,000. Coastal flood insurance is the best way to protect yourself from devastating financial loss.

All policy forms provide coverage for buildings and contents. However, you might want to discuss insuring personal property with your agent, since contents coverage is optional. Typically, there's a 30-day waiting period from date of purchase before your policy goes into effect. That means now is the best time to buy flood insurance.

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Trusted Insurance Providers, Since 1948.